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A Nice Sunday

I have a new friend I met on a social media site, Joe, who has embraced my book and taken my story to the next level. He loves to write on the side and since he is a doctor, this hobby relaxes him and allows him to express himself. Joe read my story and together we worked on a “screenplay” that is coming out just wonderful. He has put his heart and soul into this work and someday, maybe someday, we will sell it and you will see our work in a television movie. That is at this time, a far away dream, but one we are working on together with the hopes that it could become a reality. We have added a few new and exciting things that are not in the book which gives the screenplay a little bit different of a life. It still is all my own story with some additions and changes. Loved my Sunday watching the hummingbirds, reading the play together, laughing, chatting and sharing my life story with the sadness, laughter and blunders of life. Maybe someday I will be  able to share this with you.