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A Special Quote

quoteWhen I was a teen, and I have shared this a little in my book, Everythings Okay, one of my closest friends, Sandra, was killed in a terrible car accident in Florida at the same time I was scheduled for surgery. The problem was that because of my state of mind, my parents chose to not tell me she passed until I was a bit stronger after surgery. I had a dream about my friend while in the hospital that she needed me and I left the hospital to fly to Florida and help her only to find out that she had passed away. I was distraught when I told my surgeon and mother this dream and they shared that it was the truth. I went into a terrible depression that they struggled to bring me out of. They, along with my friends, felt terrible for me but it was the gift my surgeon, Dr John Templeton of CHOP, brought me that helped me see through my misery and appreciate the friendship I had and that it will always be there. “True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but it is their worth and value.” This small plaque is still with me and means so much even today. It is so very true, and I will always remember this special thing that Dr T. took the time to find for me, as busy as he was. A man named Ben Jonson said the statement, someone I have never heard of but will be googling him in the future.  It was the perfect timing and the perfect moment that he took to help me. I still wish I could have been there for her in the end and also attend her funeral, but she is with me even today in spirit.