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An Important Lesson

file000667673639What is the most important lesson one learns from a family member? Could everyone be able to answer this question? I think I can. Growing up my parents were not terribly strict. They were strict enough but never over the top. I did a lot of the normal things kids do when they are growing up like try smoking- sneaking cigarettes from my father’s pack, trying booze before I was old enough, sneaking out with boys that mom and dad would never have approved of. We got punished when we were caught but without social media you really had to get caught red handed to get into trouble. Was I punished my share of times? Yes, of course. To this day I remember my mother’s words when I was first caught doing something wrong that was worthy of punishment. She told me to take a moment to think about my answer to her question on what I was doing. If I lied and she found out otherwise, the punishment would be terribly severe. If I came clean, told the honest truth, no matter what I had done, the disappointment I had gotten from my parents would be about enough punishment. Thinking this over and being the person I am and trusting my mother always, I told the truth. She was good on her word. I was treated better and not made to pay the concequences as severe as if I would have lied and gotten caught in that lie. My mother told me that liers were terrible people. I am glad she raised me that way, and I always told her the truth and it made us so much closer. I raised our son the same way and told him the same things as she told me. It worked. He always told the truth, mostly. LOL! He is now a fine young man. Thank you mom and dad. Job well done