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For those of you who know me personally, I, like about 1/2 the country, cannot handle the cold weather. A gradual changing of the seasons is something I cherish and enjoy because it welcomes the next season in with all new things to think about like flowers, swimming, the changing of the leaves etc. For myself, the cold over the last week that kind of snuck up and smacked us in the face has shocked my body into wondering, “Why do I stay in New Jersey and not move to Florida?” After I get over the shock of the question, drink a hot cup of tea and add a very hot shower, I cuddle up by the fire with my book and my dog and I hibernate.

Why do I stay in New Jersey? Besides enjoying the changing of the seasons, we have family and grandchildren that are here. We would miss seeing them as often as we do now, and it would be heartbreaking for us and them if we were to leave.  We also love our home and enjoy our friends. Moving would be a very difficult step, both emotionally and physically. For us, whenever we can escape, we take off to warm our bones and let the sun kiss our skin so that we can force ourselves to get through the rough months. Do our reasons sound weird or are they the same as yours? Let me know and STAY WARM.file0001872927458