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Recently, our two granddaughters spent the night at our home. I often write about them since they are a big part of our lives. These two special young ladies are so very full of life. They embrace everything and see everything in such a refreshing way, that it has to make you smile. I am a pretty young grandmother since they are not my actual blood since my husband had a daughter from his first marriage, but I could not be more loving and feel any closer to any other children. When Kerry gave birth to our first, I actually thanked her for having a baby for me. Since I only gave birth once to a boy, she gifted us with a precious little girl. Because of what I went through during the one pregnancy I did have, having major surgery at 4 1/2 months, I made a conscious decision that one healthy baby was enough. Then, not too long after another little girl was on the way and we got double the love and double the amazing blessings. Now, ages 7 & 8, every breath they breathe is amazing and every day brings smiles and wondrous discoveries of life, love, and everything new and exciting in between.  Just seeing them gives me a smile and a warm feeling one cannot even describe. Parenting is one thing and truly a learning experience each and every time, but grand parenting comes with an all new set of rules and wondrous pleasures. IMG_1018