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When you travel a lot it is always, no matter how much fun you are having, wonderful to be home. The smell, the comforts, the security of just waking up in your own bed under your own roof.

Although I travel quite often now, both for business and pleasure, I love coming home and changing into my favorite sweats and just hanging out in my own domain.

When I was a child, I spent so much time in and out of the hospital and then again as teen and again as an adult, there is nothing, absolutely nothing that can be the same as being “HOME”. If you have a child who spends quite a bit of time in the hospital, there are a few secrets to help, but remember there is nothing to compare to your own bedroom. Pillows and a blanket from your own bed is a great thing to have around. When you lay your head on your own pillow, you will tend to sleep much better than a borrowed pillow from a hospital or hotel. Maybe a few trinkets from around your child’s room if the hospital visit is extended would be nice. But most of all, the things I remember most was being thought of by my family and friends, even when I was at my sickest and did not seem to care, it is a memory I will never forget. Cards and letters and small gifts from everyone letting me know I was certainly not forgotten.