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Relieving Stress

Yes, we all have stress. We cannot avoid it but we can curb it if we choose to. Sometimes it builds to the point of effecting our health, disrupting our sleep, eating habits, exercise schedule, work performance, etc. If we let it, it can overwhelm us with thoughts we have no control over.

You say you do not have stress? I beg to differ. Question: Ever wake up in the middle of the night and for no apparent reason and cannot fall back asleep? Overwhelmed with what I call, “conquering the world?” That means that stress has invaded your life and has taken control.

Things you can try to help control this feeling:

  • A Good workout, either at the gym or on your own (even a power walk).
  • Hot tea before bed.
  • A glass of wine.
  • Reading something to change your focus and thoughts throughout the day.
  • Doing something about it. Taking control of the actual event stressing you out.
  • Cook
  • Garden
  • Read.

These things help me to change my focus (especially the last three). Okay, it doesn’t always work, but as I have grown older I also have accepted that I cannot change or control everything around me in life so I have given up sweating the small stuff.