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Moving On

Tragedy after tragedy comes to us through social media, the news, and many other ways. There are so many terrible things happening in the world today? How do we manage to process them? How do we put our fears on hold to travel? How do we prepare ourselves mentally if we were subjected to something horrific? These questions and many others run through my head every time the news tells me about another person or persons doing harm to innocent people. The real question I just cannot process is…why? I feel very strongly about this subject and I feel I am not alone. If you have a gripe about a specific group of people, feel like life has not treated you fairly, or some other gripe about why you need to go out and kill others, take a step back, think about your actions and what is really going to happen if you act on your feelings. You will either be punished for life, or killed on the spot at the said event. Not one of these people who you may kill has anything at all to do with your personal issues, so save everyone the trouble and just go away. Take that in any context you want. Leave us innocent people alone, let us live our lives in peace and happiness and just focus on yourself.
With all of this said, I wish it would be that simple, that people would not harm others for no apparent reason. It is good for me to dream, right, of a perfect world, no disease, and happiness, right? Maybe tomorrow when I wake up my dream will come true. Do not give in to the fear or our lives will not mean anything.file9911262472235