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Visiting a Sick Friend

I often speak of my friend Nancy who has been ill since January.

The challenges Nancy is faced with have been overwhelming, even for me, someone who is used to being with people who are very, very ill. Nancy has been faced with one problem after another and without knowing what her future holds, my heart is broken when I go to see her. I do visit her often since I live so very close to her home and I know that it is therapy just to have someone pop in to share a smile and kind words. I believe that  I can make a difference by giving her some of my strength and my strong will. Don’t misunderstand me, Nancy is strong willed without my help, but when you have been fighting as long as she has, it is only natural to lose some of that will and give up a little. I keep her focused and in tune to getting better and getting stronger. I often bring my little dog with me to visit, something both he and she truly like. Having the love of an animal is definitely another avenue to follow. He gives her love unconditionally and looks forward to running into her home when we arrive. I hope that I have given you all some ideas on visiting someone who needs it: a sick family member, child or friend. Give them your strength and of course your smile. It can be contagious.