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The Heat with an Ill Child & Travel

As a child it was very, very challenging for my parents to take us places in the extreme heat since I was so weak and frail. I could not keep up with my siblings and from being unable to eat it became a challenge for my parents to try to plan anything worthy other than […]


What is happening in this world? Why are there so many people who feel justified to kill? Why are we so mad at each other? Why do we think an eye for an eye is the answer? I normally do not blog about things like this but my heart is telling me to reach out […]

My Mother/My Son

Lately, I have been thinking about this and thought I would share. I figured that most if not all of you could relate to this blog and I welcome you sharing your thoughts. A Letter to my Mother: You became ill and fought 5 years or so with a rare disease of the brain that ended […]

Do You Ever Wonder?

Do you ever wonder why the sky is blue, the rain smells nice, the wind can be overpowering? Do we just accept life as is or does anyone else question the answers to these? Is there really a science to all of this? I think there is a science, but is that only because we are […]