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What a day in all of our lives this date leaves for us. I cannot remember what I did yesterday but I guarantee me along with every other person in this country can give you exact details blow by blow of what that day was like and exactly what we had done. It still has such an impact to all of us and leaves a sad and bad taste in our mouths to understand that people would want to hurt so many innocent people making this so senseless to those of us who do not have an evil thought or bad bone in our bodies.

Comparing what my family went through and all of those families went through when we find out we have cancer of anything catastrophic is just as staggering. Although it is hard to compare both of these as similar, we can when we think of the shock, devastation and sadness in the way of why does this have to happen to us and what had we done to deserve this. There is no comparison as to what the world felt at the moment of realizing what 9/11 meant but the overall feeling can be compared as to why, why, why.

There is hope in both cases and that is something I have to believe in order to continue living my life as I do. I still suffer from illness due to surgeries from my past, but like all americans who believe in good overpowering evil, I feel that the cancer or illness that brings us to that dark place can be conquered in a similar way. God bless all of us.