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ASF_2015PostcardBack20151027-PROOF copyNovember 2014


Dear Old Friends of Timmy’s Regatta:


After 5 years of running my own foundation and helping children who are patients at CHOP by donating funds to make their stays more comfortable, the Evening of Inspiration would like to invite everyone who was involved in Timmy’s Regatta Auction to “COME OUT TO SALUTE YOUR WORK.” Come out and help The Alesia Shute Foundation have its first LIVE AUCTION and RAFFLE.   The event will be very similar to what we did at Timmy’s Regatta. The date is Saturday February 28th, 6 PM. The only difference is that we will have it at Mays Landing Country Club. There will be an hour open bar, and a beautiful buffet dinner before we even begin to bid.  Tickets will be for sale mid-December for $65 pp.


You can donate, attend or anything else you may think of to help make this event as successful as you all made Timmy’s Regatta. I want you to know that everything you did to help us become so wonderful back in the day has molded me into who I am and where I am headed. Let’s reach out and make it a successful evening and remind ourselves how much fun it was to bid live, or buy raffles and win win win!!!


My contact information is below or feel free to contact Meg Steeb or Mary Vogelman, if you wish. Please help make this evening a wonderful memory for all of us. Future announcements will be made so please send us your email and forward this to someone you know.







Alesia Shute

Author/ Everything’s Okay

President/ Alesia Shute Foundation

Kid Cure

Twitter: @EverythingsOkay
