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Who do you Talk to about your Struggles?

Since I was so young when I first got sick, I really did not know who to speak to or how to deal with what was happening to me. My one escape to share with someone was to create an imaginary friend. I recall my imaginary friend being there for me when things were tough and I felt all alone. I would spend time just talking to myself and creating this person who would always listen.

When the doctors and my parents felt it would be therapeuticfor me to really have someone, all agreed and I was given a dog. That proved to be one of the best things that anyone could have done for me. My dog became my companion and was always there for me know matter how difficult things became and how hard my struggles. She even attended my psychiatric visits and was used as communication for my doctor to me. At the end of the day, there she was, loyal and lovingly waiting for me to return home. I still feel that way about animals to this day and would recommend some kind of pet for a sick child to not only help care for but to share their problems with as well. Haven’t we all said at one time or another that “no one loves me like my dog?”