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Being Grateful

I spent the entire day on Saturday with good friends and lots of new faces.

At the Ronald McDonald House “Touch a Truck” we had the most beautiful weather, pleasant people, and great fun. We met so many wonderful people, all families, who brought their young children to climb and touch any kind of truck you can imagine. Everyone was so happy especially the little ones climbing on the ATV and posing for pictures, which they happily smiled for. Parents were grateful to have their young-ins be permitted to just about do anything they wanted within reason. There was lots of horn blowing, candy eating, running and squealing. It felt good to be a part of this happy event. I was also surrounded by my helpers who willingly got up extra early on a Saturday morning to join me and spend some great quality time with me. Thanks to my helpers “elves” who gave up a “beach day” for me. As for me, I am so happy to be able to share all that I have to give with these new families. I want to thank them all as well. Thank you higher power for allowing me to be here to share!