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Everything’s really okay

I often sit and remember things I went through when I was ill as a child. I sometimes speak about it when I make a presentation, and have found my joy in sharing my story and my life with others in order to help families cope during difficult times. I look into everyone’s eyes when I speak and at times I see that they feel I am speaking directly to them. And I am.

I do this because I know what they are going through, both as a member of the family and as the sick child. I can honestly say I have walked that mile in their shoes, so when they share intimate details of their lives and struggles with me, they know that, I really do understand. I know exactly the pain they suffer, along with their deepest thoughts and wishes. It is not easy to do at times since often it is emotionally draining to share so much and let yourself become vulnerable, but in the end it is very rewarding.

Have you had a chance to learn more about my story yet? If not, I’d love to talk with you. And if you have, maybe you can share my story with others and give them the gift of hope that everything’s going to be okay.