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I have been on Facebook probably for a short time every day to scroll down, find out what is happening on my Author page and give out kind words to families that are suffering greatly especially at this time of year. I am overwhelmed at the amount of people on my page that are truly suffering from dealing with sick children, to dealing with the untimely death of a child. It is staggering to face this and I pray for each and every one of them and their families. I want to reach out and hug everyone real tight and tell them I am there for them. I want to help them all, although I realize that would be utterly impossible, it seems real when I feel it. I thank the world of electronics and the world of places like FB for those of us to connect, even for a few moments, and to share our worlds although we will probably never meet. I feel a connection to them all and hope they realize this. The thoughts and the words that I share are truly meant for each and every one of my friends!