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From My Heart

You have been through everything anyone could imagine one person can take. You have fought the battle, pretty much won the battle, and now where are you? It is now time to go back to life, be whoever you were before that terrible day, and try to put the past behind you. It is not that easy, and I say this from my heart.
After all the experiences I went through, I felt as if I was a different person. I looked at everything differently, not because I chose to, but because I had to. Things that were important to me before seemed almost silly now to worry about. People were different. I listened to my friends in a different way. Everything that seemed so very important before was trivial now. I picked out the most important things to tackle much more seriously now. Actually, I kind of liked the “new me”. I was much more logical now. It took time to let things pass, especially my memories of some of the treatments and all I suffered were embedded in my head. At time, I dreamt that I was still sick. But, Like most others things, time does heal. I became more lighthearted after a while, smiled at silly things my fiends said and did, but deep inside I knew I would never be the same. I had a drive and an emotional spot in my heart that was beating to come out. Helping and caring were on the top of my list. Being compassionate were priorities. Now, many years later, I still am the “old me” but with a strong mix of the “new me”! I love who I am and what I have become. I have learned what to do with my compassion. I have done the soul searching. Give it a try, you may really like what you find. Actually, I know you will!
Tickets for the 50/50 Raffle are now available and can be purchased online! Click “Buy Now” below to purchase your tickets through PayPal. First prize is $5000 and second prize is $2500! Tickets will be $20 each and the drawing will be held at the 2013 Night of Inspiration! All proceeds will benefit The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.