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How My Book and Foundation Came to Be

A little over a week after my event, I sit by my computer and organize my thoughts. I still think back to first having the desire to write my own book. I had tinkered with this idea for years but after we sold all three of our businesses, I suddenly had lots of time on my hands and my son was sailing through high school!  I remembered being home one snowy day with my lab by my side and the television on. My husband was out of town on a new business venture and called to ask what I was doing. I told him I had finished everything I had planned for the day, and now I was just vegging out watching the snow and waiting for our son to arrive home. That was the moment my husband replied, ” you said you were going to write a book when you retired, and you aren’t working now so it’s about time you began writing!” After the call ended, I placed the computer on my lap and starting writing.  I wrote on and off for the next three years until the book was finished. We then decided to self-publish the book and begin a foundation to share my story with the world. We wanted to self-publish so that we didn’t waste any time getting my message to others.  Here I sit in 2014 after planning my 5th large fundraiser thinking about all the foundation has accomplished and how very proud I am. I hope to do more, and I do think at times there is something bigger for me. I am not sure what and where it is, but I will know when it hits me. This must be MY year of you!