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Looking Forward to Holidays

Every year with bated breath, I, along with millions of others,wait for the holidays to come and embrace us all. We shop, wrap, bake, decorate, go to church and/or synagogue and prepare for a few wonderful nights with the family and close friends.  I adore all of it and love having everyone over for family dinner.  No matter what is going on in the world, we all manage to gather one night to laugh, dine, catch up, exchange gifts and spend some quality time together. For me, I love every minute of it and when it is over, even though I’m exhausted, I am just as happy. I know I speak for many of you when I share this one thought- keep in touch and embrace all year round. It’s important for everyone to do this so that if you miss a year or have to change plans for the ever growing family, you all do not feel so bad. I salute those who do it all like we do and that means everyone. We cherish the gatherings and spend time recovering after, but we have all the memories of smiles and cheer. Happy Holidays to all of you and all of your friends and family .

red gift