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More about Second Opinions–Sometimes, They Are Necessary!

Some seek them for insurance reasons, some for personal reasons, but at times getting a second opinion is the only way to truly find out the problem and the necessary treatment. Some doctors may become insulted about this, but remember it is YOUR life and it is important to be certain that no mistakes are being made with your treatment plan. It may cause confusion and beg the question, “who is your real doctor,” but in the end, you are the one in charge and the one searching for the correct diagnosis and treatments. It may even take a doctor themselves becoming ill and actually going through this process to understand the human side of it. Please do not ever feel you are doing something wrong or “cheating” on your doctor, no matter how close you are with him or her. Go with your gut, do the homework, but do not over-think or over-do it. Try to be logical as well. Unfortunately, sometimes an insurance company will not pay for a second opinion. That is where it becomes difficult, and you must choose your battles with insurance when necessary and depending on the time frame. Good luck, and I do hope I have helped you!