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New Years Resolutions

How many of you have made (and stuck to) your New Year’s resolutions?

We all try to find new things to promise ourselves every year thinking it will make us better people. I guess it makes us feel good to promise something to ourselves in the hopes that it will actually make us feel better along the way. But in saying this, it is important that you do not make a promise to yourself that is really unrealistic.

When you put your mind to something, anything in that matter, you can succeed. But do not set yourself up for failure in the midst of it all. Don’t say you are going to your mother-in-law’s home once a week to help her around the house if this is a commitment you cannot keep. Maybe a more realistic goal would be once a month. Do not promise to work out every day when deep down inside you know you will fail after a few weeks. Maybe set a goal instead for about 2-3 times per week. Make yourself do something that would be good for you, yet also something you will actually be able to do.

Don’t get me wrong–New Year’s Resolutions are great! They give us a new sense of hope and direction. Sticking to them, however, is the hard part.  And here’s some more good news: it’s never TOO late to start! Here’s to keeping our promises to ourselves and others this year!