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On We Go

Every family has something, either an issue that they need to address that is about health, a family secret, money issues, or any other problem that is a normal, every day function of life. We try to cope with whatever is thrown at us and hope to come out at the other end through the light and not ever go to the dark side of things again. Of course it does not always go our way. There always seems to be an obstacle  or two standing in our way, just testing our patience, our thoughts and feelings each and every day. All I can say, it that we should not give up and try to continue the “fight” for whatever the error is in life that day or moment. As I say, “on we go…” meaning that we continue to trudge along whether it be for the best or not. We all want and pray for the best to come out of any situation. We do understand that is not always what will happen, but when they do not go our way we react as if we are surprised. We are not really surprised, just disappointed in the fact that we cannot perfect life. If only we could, we would conquer the world. We all wish that, right? Well, “on we go”, tomorrow is another adventure, disappointment or pleasant surprise. It is what makes the world go round. RMH-1375