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Pros and Cons of Internet Medical Research

Internet ResearchAs many of you know from past blogs, I am not a fan of searching the internet to diagnosis ourselves in lieu of seeing a doctor.  However, if you are able and have the time, it never hurts to learn more about your illness before you get to the doctor. There is an overabundance of medical information on the internet, so do not try to read it all.  Read enough to help you ask the correct questions and allow the doctors to better lead you in the proper direction/find the correct diagnosis. Do not be afraid to do a little extra homework so that when you arrive for your appointment, you can get straight to the point. It will help the doctor trememdously in that he or she will not have to fish for questions to determine exactly what is wrong. If you are unable to do research on the internet, making a short list of symptoms and questions to ask before the appointment will also help the doctor and allow you to remember everything you wanted to share and discuss.