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Remember Me

What would you want to be remembered for when you are gone? Funny thing to think about in a way since I often say, “I have too much left to do to go anywhere,” but the reality of me lasting forever is very small wouldn’t you say? I personally would like to be remembered for being the best and kindest person I can be. When I am no longer on this earth and someone mentions my name in passing, I hope to be looking down upon them and hear something like….. “Who Alesia? Why she was the kindest, most considerate and unselfish person I have ever met. As a matter of fact, she always found the best in everyone she met and surrounded herself with positive, kind people as well. She always had a smile on her face and always offered to help in some way, even when she really could not. You never even knew when she was upset unless she shared it with you. Alesia made everyone that crossed her path feel they were special in some way.” If that will be said about me, then my life would have been complete. Take a few and think on it. What would you like people to say about you when you are no longer here?Hug Dog