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Remembering Christmas In the Hospital

There was one year I spent Christmas and Hanukkah in CHOP.

It seemed kind of strange that everyone was out and about shopping, dining, going to holiday parties, and decorating, while I lay in the hospital recovering. I was about 14 years old and was on the mend but not quite ready to be at home. Everyone came to see me which was very nice, and CHOP gave us gifts. Santa came for a few visits, and there was plenty of food and fun punches for us to drink. They managed to make the holidays very pleasant for those of us who where stuck there and we managed to put smiles on our faces.

The one memory I have that is vivid to me is when Dr Templeton, my surgeon  brought his two year old daughter all dressed up for Christmas to visit his patients on Christmas morning. How touched I was that not only did he come in on such an important family holiday to check on me and the others, but that he brought his little girl for us to meet. She was so sweet and friendly and it made my entire day.  That was a very long time ago and she is probably a mother at this point in her life and may not remember that time, but it made a mark on me that has stayed with me forever and still makes me smile when I think about their  kindness. I hope that some of my kindness stays with someone for a lifetime. That’s truly what this time of year is all about.