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Remembering My Purpose

As I sit and drink my coffee this morning, I start to think about recently being in the hospital and all I went through, then I think about my childhood and everything that happened to me. I often say that I think it all happened for a reason. Well, it did! All I went through, and all my family went through, molded me into the person who sits here this morning. I have to say, I like that person, and thinking back I would not change a thing. I wish the pain was not part of what I experienced. But, putting that aside, who I was, what I have become, and where I am headed in my life is all part of “the plan”. I am not certain why I was ill again; these things happen and if I were to walk away with anything learned from my recent experience it is that it “re-grounded me”. I have always been grounded – giving, kind, and sensitive to others and their needs, but spending 8 days in the hospital reminded me of all of that. If I do not give it a reason, I will always wonder why. For me, giving this a reason puts me at ease. I pray that all children should not have to suffer, and I know they do, but my heart warms for them and their families. I hope that I can make an impact on the lives of those who have been affected by cancer. If it is through a blog, one of my books, or meeting me somewhere, then I feel my purpose on this earth is complete.