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School Visits

I recently visited Vineland High School to speak with 3 different classes about my books. I brought copies of all three books- even The Crusaders.  Although I did not write it, it is a big part of who I am and what is happening in my life. I never really prepare for the school visits. I know I am going to speak about myself and writing and all I went through, but I never really plan it out.  I feel more comfortable just going with the flow. I ended the day having full attention during all three classes for the entire time and answered lots of questions and had suggestions about not only myself, but themselves. I wanted to get the word across to be happy with who you are, respect others, never judge a book by its cover and give back to others, there are always people less fortunate than you. I felt confident I had everyones attention and got an email for a volunteer student already. It was exhausting and rewarding to do this and I encourage other schools to reach out to me and have me come speak. Let the youngins know anyone can really achieve all they want to in life, they just have to reach for the stars! Email me for a school visit. Consider a group reading of one of my books for the entire school as a group project. I can make the book very affordable for large groups of people. Have me come out to speak to everyone and learn to appreciate life. file000667673639