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Statistics Shift

Without boring you with too many details, over 13,000 children under twenty are diagnosed with some form of cancer each year. Although the survival rates are at around 80%, these numbers are staggering!

The chances of a child developing some other health problem as a side effect of the treatments are very high as well, but what choices do we have?!? We have to keep on pumping our health care researchers and doctors to continue to look for new ways to battle the cancers, as well as keeping our hopes and prayers high during those treatments no matter how awful them are or seem. Side effects are a common problem during almost any kind of treatment so we can only prepare ourselves and our child for all of this. But, the end result is worth the risk, at least in my opinion. Keep up the fight, stay focused and strong, and make certain everyone in the family remains on the same page even through the worst. Positive attitudes are 50% of the fight! Watching our little children suffer is so discouraging and enraging, but we need to focus on  the light at the end of the tunnel – curing this disease and tipping over the 5 year survival rate.

Let’s work together to change the statistics to lesser diagnoses as well as higher survival rates!