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Take a Day

When someone is extremely ill, the caregivers are just as vulnerable as the patient.

Sometimes when you are trying to “do it all” , like take care of the home, the bills, the food, the other children, animals, spouses, etc., life can be a bit overwhelming– okay, more than a bit overwhelming. And sometimes, even in the most stressful of situations, you need to take a “me” day. It doesn’t have to be extreme; Take a drive, a nap, treat yourself to a manicure, lunch, a new outfit, or just sit alone reading your favorite book. It is ok to be “all about you” even if it is only a short period of time. Trust me on this one folks: You will feel better, look better, and be more functional with a little R&R. The caregiver must remember to also take care of themselves. And just when you feel it might be selfish, don’t. It’s part of your recovery process and helps to renew your mind, your body, and your spirit for the tough road that still lies ahead.