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Taking Care of You

As caretakers, we are always concerned about everyone around us and want our family members to be careful with hand washing, coughing, eating right, etc.  However, what about ourselves? Worrying is an energy absorber and can run you down by itself, but adding that to working too much, not eating right (because we are too busy), and most importantly not getting enough sleep is a time bomb for illness. As I am watching news reports about flu epidemic and symptoms, I worry for all of us. I have gotten a flu shot religiously from the time my son was born based on the advice of our pediatrician. He smartly asked, “what happens if you get the flu and are down for a week? Who will care for you and your son?” So with that strong advice, I never forget my annual vaccine. I encourage our son to get one as well, and I am even reaching out to all of you on this topic! Eat right, sleep well, and if nothing else, try to stop worrying. I do understand you are in charge of so much as a caretaker but slow down enough to say, I am tired and need to rest. It is OKAY to ask for help! Remember this is YOUR year.