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The Magic Pumpkin

Recently, a gentleman named Benji Palus wrote me and told me he had read my book and thought we had a nice connection since he also volunteered at a children’s hospital but in New Orleans. We chatted through FB for a few and he commended me for my work. He then asked me if I would read his book and of course I was thrilled to get a chance to read someone else’s work pertaining to children. Benji’s book amazed me. I received the book about  three days later and dove in. The Magic Pumpkin is the title and the book, which I just finished, was certainly magic. It brought me to a special place quite magical although the story was very sad being about a boy about to die from cancer. Without ruining the story, he was brought to a special place to embrace life in a truly different way. He and his slightly older brother travel through this experience together and lift the reader to many, many different  heights. Its a good read and kept me mesmerized in a way no other book was able to do. Good luck to the artist/author. Welcome to my world of helping and giving and may you become a wonderful success.