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The Summer is Here… Finally

We were teased with little bits and pieces, then a month of almost all rain and if it did not rain it was cold and cloudy, but through it all we survived! Then what happens? Of course a heat wave. It came on with a vengeance but it still felt good. The sun is shining, the sky is clear and everyone is alive and happy again. We do not even realize it but our moods are swayed by the weather. Even our bones ache from the dampness and finally, finally we are all working outside and experiencing mother nature come to life. Even when we think she has forgotten us, there she is showing herself with beautiful flowers and the singing of birds. We can’t forget the hummingbirds who travel thousands of miles to mate and drink up the sweetness in our back years. I have all the sights and sounds of nature and I’m loving every minute of it. I could sit either outside all day or in my kitchen and gaze out at the beauty of it all. Thank you world.
