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Misunderstanding Some Social Media

I like all of us have at one time or another been misunderstood while posting on social media. Seems like when we type and think of what we want to express, at times it may come accross different than how you meant it to sound. Texting would also be included in this catagory. I am not certain how to correct this other than to stop, think, reread your thoughts over twice and then hit the send or post button. It makes me feel bad when someone gets the wrong thing come across, and when you try to correct it or re-read it after it has already sent you sometimes wince or laugh at what was said. I think it has happened to me numerous times and I am hoping to get some of your responses to this blog so that we can all share our experiences and try to correct how we will address things in the future. One way to completly correct is to actually pick up the phone and call or meet in person to chat about a particular subject. Yes my friends, the old fashioned way, face to face. We are less bold without hiding behind a keyboard. Now this is something we all need to work on. Good luck!