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Uncontrollable Issues

Last weekend, we lost power, got power, got struck by lightning at our home, lost power, water, and sewage for 48 hours and had to move out of our house for a night.

It was turmoil, and very stressful for all of us including our dog and managed to ground me during a very busy weekend. I had an awards dinner, and a book signing in the midst of it all. Of course we managed and skimmed by without too much water damage. This crisis brings anyone back to the reality that we are all vulnerable to have things happen beyond our control and manages to remind me that there are so many people in the world so much worse than I. I had a really bad 48 hours, some people live like that in much worse conditions every day of their lives. I just let myself loose focus in my own problems but it did not take long to get back on track. Stay focused!