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What Am I Afraid Of?

There is not too much I am afraid of in this world but as I check with myself,  like everyone else, I assume are afraid of the basics. I think is is more that I fear this, not particularly afraid. I am afraid of people who have no regard for human life. I am afraid that evil and hate can grow when you do not have love and understanding in your life. I fear what will happen if those people have a chance to overpower the weak minded and mentally unstable in this world. I believe that loving ones neighbor is so very important and each of us should understand that although we may all look different, pray different, have certain cultural habits that are different but that only separates us in that way. On the inside, male or female, black, white, yellow, and everything in between, at the end of the day we are all the same. Do unto others as you would do unto yourself says all of this in a nutshell. Opinions, of course we all have one and in our country we are lucky enough to be able to speak them aloud, but it is just an opinion, no one in particular is right or wrong. So as long as we “love thy neighbor,” in the end we are all the same. So, as I said before, my fears are quite small, but this one is one I think all of us may share. heart