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Missing My Friend

Nancy was a very special friend to me. She was the bright light every day when we met to walk on the treadmill, and the continuous smile throughout our day. She was like a right arm to me with my foundation, and sometimes even my left one as well. She was my sounding board for […]

Preparing for the Worst, but Hoping for the Best

When it comes to dealing with bad news– whether this pertains to illness, financial issues, family problems, or something else catastrophic– many do not know how to best prepare and cope with the situation. How do you “simplify” matters like this enough to process them? When we are faced with these types of situations, our […]

Take a Day

When someone is extremely ill, the caregivers are just as vulnerable as the patient. Sometimes when you are trying to “do it all” , like take care of the home, the bills, the food, the other children, animals, spouses, etc., life can be a bit overwhelming– okay, more than a bit overwhelming. And sometimes, even […]

I can be a voice: Raising Awareness

While driving today I was thinking back to the sick little girl I was for so many years. It is not only this time of year, September being Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, that the memories are fresh in my mind; I often reflect on my experiences and how I got to where I am today. […]

A Flash Back

I spent some time with my brother this weekend and we were able to catch up with our families and talk about everything else going on in our crazy lives that often keeps us from getting together. His work, kids, two monster dogs and life in general keep him busy; While for me-my son, lots […]

Looking Back

I know we cannot go back in time and change things that have already happened, but I do want to share something with you that I shared during my interviews in New York the other day. I told each of my interviewers for every magazine we met with that day that, “If I could change […]

My Dear Friend

I often write about personal experiences and have mentioned my dear friend Nancy before. She has been very ill, and in and out of the hospital since this past January. She has had a few brain surgeries and many other problems have popped up since then that keeping up with them all has proven difficult […]

An ill child

Whenever I go to The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) to visit with the staff and doctors I have befriended over the years, I see many ill children.  I was one of those children. As I walk through the hospital, I see families with children who are being treated for numerous things that CHOP offers. […]

A Flashback

I like to share different experiences from my childhood when I can. It not only helps me to talk with others, but might also help others to ponder their own problems and experiences that they have faced while dealing with a sick child or family member. I remember when I first became ill and wanted […]

Visiting a Sick Friend

I often speak of my friend Nancy who has been ill since January. The challenges Nancy is faced with have been overwhelming, even for me, someone who is used to being with people who are very, very ill. Nancy has been faced with one problem after another and without knowing what her future holds, my […]