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Preparing for Inclimate Weather

We have experienced a few hurricanes and warnings over the past couple months on the east coast. Following the storm on the weather channel and local channels can become quite trying. In our home, those channels are on for days before watching, tracking, and re-watching all of the scenarios and each step the storm takes. Since […]

Being Self Centered

Funny, but I think I am sometimes TOO logical. I always always like to plan. I like to think ahead and consider all options and scenarios and work around everyone who is involved in whatever it is I am preparing for. This could be anything from a vacation to a simple dinner. No matter what it […]

Things Going Your Way

How often to you feel things just are not “going my way?” Do you think about all the senarios of each thing and disect it and try to figure every one out? I do at times, although I always try to look at the “big picture” in everything thing I do. I look at the […]

Go With The Flow

I am a very organized person, sometimes too organized. I keep things in order to the point that at times, I cannot find them. I know that sounds a bit crazy but when you are busy and punctual it makes life flow easily. The point I am getting at, is that although I am organized […]

Love to Travel

I love to travel, do you? It’s exciting to discover new and beautiful places.Even the challenge of packing is an adventure to me.  It is interesting to see how others live in different climates, some with big industry, others without. Each place we visit has a different economy and cost of living yet it all […]

Dining Out

I know I normally blog about health and such but every once in a while I like to mix it up and share other experiences in my life. Before I began to write, I was in the restaurant/nightclub business, and still am to a point, and wanted to share something important. Being the part of […]

The Heat with an Ill Child & Travel

As a child it was very, very challenging for my parents to take us places in the extreme heat since I was so weak and frail. I could not keep up with my siblings and from being unable to eat it became a challenge for my parents to try to plan anything worthy other than […]


What is happening in this world? Why are there so many people who feel justified to kill? Why are we so mad at each other? Why do we think an eye for an eye is the answer? I normally do not blog about things like this but my heart is telling me to reach out […]

My Mother/My Son

Lately, I have been thinking about this and thought I would share. I figured that most if not all of you could relate to this blog and I welcome you sharing your thoughts. A Letter to my Mother: You became ill and fought 5 years or so with a rare disease of the brain that ended […]

Do You Ever Wonder?

Do you ever wonder why the sky is blue, the rain smells nice, the wind can be overpowering? Do we just accept life as is or does anyone else question the answers to these? Is there really a science to all of this? I think there is a science, but is that only because we are […]