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Forever? or Not?

The date is Sunday September 1st, 2024, and my former business partner as well as very close friend brought over her two grandchildren for a swim in our pool which will soon  close for the season. The day is beautiful, sunny, mid 70’s, breezy and just delightful. Kids swam and snacked and played. Then we decided to chalk. It is popular at our home since the pavers really allow structure and the colors show up so nice. They were really into the coloring and it came out so nice. I then told them that when it rains it will wash away and next time they can re-chalk the same spot or move anywhere they choose. It will just wash away and we can go over and over it again.

Needless to say, this work of art is still there. This photo was taken right before I sat down to write this blog, 09/23/24. No rain, no downpours, no anything! The summer was quite dry, but the month of September has continued this. My point, we have no control over good old Mother Nature. She is now good friends with Global Warming and I say this with confidence, we do have some control over that. We need to really look at this, digest this and try to the best of our ability to help. Will it ever be perfect? Thinking never or at least not in our lifetime, but that of our children’s and their children. Even if you have your doubts, making where we live a better, cleaner place has to mean something to us all.

For me, I look forward to the day this masterpiece washes away but I mean that with a sense of clarity knowing that these artists will again redo the masterpiece they left me with. Believe or don’t believe, at least care enough to do your small part. Thank you on behalf of the world. And as always, Peace on Earth.