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Taking things for Granted

Every day we wake up and begin our day: make coffee, eat breakfast, read the paper, walk the dog, take a shower and head to work. That is what a majority of us do either daily or at some point in our lives. We go about our business without much thought on anything else accept […]

Amazing Weather

It has been so funny that we are experiencing such a mild winter so far. I say “so far” since we are not even halfway through the season and you never know what mother nature has in store for us. For me it reminds me when I was very ill as a child, and mom […]

Remembering My Dear Friend

Funny how I have been blogging about keeping your chin up during the holidays and staying strong, positive and caring to those who are less fortunate around us. I do this religiously all year round but this is the time of year you really need to practice this advice. In the midst of telling everyone […]

Positive Thinking

Every day may not be good, but there’s something good in every day.  ~Author Unknown Now is the time with the new year upon us to give your attitude a fresh and positive start . No matter what is going on in your life, we can make a decision to think and act positively. With […]

Understanding Feelings

With the holidays upon us it is difficult to know what everyone wants and what to expect from all of the family visits and gifts.

Book Updates

My book has been chosen to be placed in various gift baskets this Thanksgiving for families who are unfortunately fighting off cancer.

Cloudy Days

Whenever the clouds come out it gives me a reason to think about how nice the sunshine is.

Helping the Unfortunate

The other day, a close friend and I went to our friend Nancy’s home to go through all of her clothing.

Breast Cancer Walk

For the past few years I have done a few walks benefitting Breast Cancer in October but the one that holds a special place in my heart is the walk at Cooper River Park in New Jersey.


When I was a child I had some not so very happy experiences related to my illness.