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The Tipping Point: How To Keep it Together When You’re at the Edge

Over the course of my 40-plus years, I have been at the edge many times. As a child who battled cancer, I didn’t exactly know I was trying so hard to keep it together, but there certainly were times when I just wanted to give up fighting and simply be a “normal” kid. As a cancer survivor who continued to have trouble and trauma well into my 20s and 30s, I now know how close to the edge I can get and can only imagine how my parents felt taking care of me as a child. But in situations like mine—and that of my parents—we had two choices: to either keep it together—or not. It’s that simple. Amazingly, when you keep it together, you project a positive vibe that people want to be around. When you “lose it” (so to speak) and constantly drone on about all the trouble in your life (whether you or someone you are caring for is sick or not), you push people away. Taking on life with a glass half-full perspective is much more rewarding then bringing yourself—and others—down with a half-empty outlook.

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