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What I am Doing Now

I am busy with both of my books lately and answering many many emails and requests for books to be donated to organizations. I spend a lot of time on both Facebook and Twitter, as well as exploring other sites as well. Keeping up with everything has proven quite challenging but rewarding.

I am making a few appearances over the next month or two and will keep everyone up to date when I can. My website should give you all the information you need to find out what is going on or you can sign up for my newsletter, which will e-mail you a monthly update.

I look forward to doing more charitable work and making appearances when requested. Everything I do is part of who I am and who I have become since I chose to share my personal story with all of you. If given the chance, I hope to inspire you to read my book, visit my website, and even donate books to a cause. It truly will be memorable and rewardable!