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Checking In

I am thinking of all we went through with the pandemic still going strong, but life is slowly and steadily creeping back to some kind of normal. I have been pondering on the many blogs over the past 18th months or so I posted on the elderly, checking on our parents, neighbors and those who may be alone or not alone but struggling with some new mental issues due to isolation. I still am thinking about this and do not want anyone to feel that all is ok in the world and everyone is perfect.

Personally I handled most of the pandemic with ease and uncertainly, meaning I am a realist, so I understood what needed to be done, I did it, kept listening and learning but still worried about those who are alone, older, uneducated and just not able to cope with all that was happening worldwide. Then I injured myself, seriously taking a fall and on the couch 6 months pretty much unable to do anything beyond a shower, prepare some dinner and laundry. These things pretty much only happened since I had no choice, ordering food online for pick up, unable to walk in the store on my own. Although I was aggressive in trying to heal and treat this back injury, it took months of patience, chiropractor visits and acupuncture with two rounds of therapy. Six months plus I am on the mend and back at strength training and able to do just about everything but carefully, knowing I feel the pain periodically and need to just stop and let myself rest. The reason I write this is so much happened to all of us during this time and I am being very honest that when I became injured, I worked very hard to be “myself” and not let anyone know internally I was suffering mentally with no escape from the stress.  I assume most of us felt a bit  out of control of our lives and it effected me deeply. I almost feel at times I was a different person and want to thank those closest to me, both family and friends who became aware of it and listened to me vent, cry, and work hard to conquer this. I want all of you to know you are not alone in your journey and I think I personally am still healing. The people who embraced me and my issues will not ever be forgotten and I felt sharing was the best next step for me in becoming my old self. The pandemic affected me deeply as it did us all. Some will read and be uncaring or unaffected but for those who know where I am in my heart, ask for help, forgive, and love. Be kind and considerate, think of others both family and friends who may be suffering and need a hug, or just a “check in.” It takes a moment or less to show you actually care. No excuses. We are in this together. Let’s act like it.